Critical Care Network

This Network enhances the scientific knowledge, evidence-based medicine, and clinical practices that further our understanding of the mechanism and management of acute and life-threatening critical illness, nonrespiratory critical care, palliative and end-of-life care, and sepsis/shock.

CHEST members can join this Network for leadership and networking opportunities, plus the chance to hear the latest news first.



Sections in this Network

Mechanical Ventilation and Airways Management

Focusing on advancing the clinical practice, knowledge, promotion, and advancement of areas related to mechanical ventilation and airway management

Non-Respiratory Critical Care

Focusing on advancing the clinical practice, knowledge, promotion, and advancement of areas related to nonrespiratory critical care, such as neurological, gastrointestinal, hematologic, and renal critical care

Palliative and End-of-Life Care

Focusing on advancing the clinical practice, knowledge, and awareness of palliative and end-of-life care


Focusing on advancing the clinical practice, knowledge, and promotion of areas related to, but not limited to, sepsis and shock

Do you have questions about this Network? Contact

What’s new in the Critical Care Network

Breathing room: Making space for palliative care in lung transplant programs

By Siyuan Cao, MD; Riddhi Upadhyay, MD, FCCP; B. Corbett Walsh, MD, MBE

The rising use of ketamine for airway management

By Naina Sawal, MD

Mechanical power: A missing piece in lung-protective ventilation?

By Zhenmei Zhang, MD


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Recent research to enhance your practice

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Read the journal: Critical Care

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Critical Care Network Leadership

Daniel Ouellette, MD, FCCP

Daniel Ouellette, MD, FCCP

Network Chair

Get to know Dr. Ouellette »

Alice Gallo de Moraes, MD

Alice Gallo De Moraes, MD, FCCP

Network Vice-Chair

Get to know Dr. Gallo de Moraes »

Viren Kaul, MD, FCCP
Chair, Mechanical Ventilation and Airways Management Section

Akram Zaaqoq, MD
Vice-Chair, Mechanical Ventilation and Airways Management Section

Muhammad Hayat Syed, MD, FCCP
Chair, Non-Respiratory Critical Care Section

Carl Boethel, MD, FCCP
Vice-Chair, Non-Respiratory Critical Care Section

Angela Birdwell, DO, MA, FCCP
Chair, Palliative and End-of-Life Care Section

Gretchen Winter, MD
Vice-Chair, Palliative and End-of-Life Care Section

Kathryn Pendleton, MD, FCCP
Chair, Sepsis/Shock Section

Casey Cable, MD, MSc, FCCP
Vice-Chair, Sepsis/Shock Section

Neha Dangayach, MD, FCCP
Network Member-at-Large

Ann Gage, MD
Network Member-at-Large

Deepa Gotur, MD, FCCP
Network Member-at-Large

James Horowitz, MD, FCCP
Network Member-at-Large

Mechanical Ventilation and Airways Management Section

Non-Respiratory Critical Care Section

Palliative and End-of-Life Care Section

Sepsis/Shock Section

Do you have questions about this Network? Contact