Christopher Carroll, MD, FCCP

Christopher Carroll, MD, FCCP

Read through a Q&A with one of the CHEST Network leaders, Christopher Carroll, MD, FCCP, Critical Care Network Chair.

March 16, 2023

Where do you work?
After 21 years up north, I’ve moved to Jacksonville, Florida, to take a position as Medical Director of the Pediatric ICU at Wolfson Children’s. 

What are your research interests and how does this apply to your position within the Networks?
My research interests involve the treatment of respiratory failure and how best to educate people on critical care topics. These interests harmonize well with the Networks at CHEST and the commitment to medical education and improving clinical care!  


How did you become interested and involved in the Critical Care Network?
I became involved with the Networks after attending one of the CHEST Annual Meeting’s fellow courses as a fellow. It was one of the best educational experiences I’d had, so I stuck around for more! 

Are you involved in any other activities or volunteer positions at CHEST?
I currently serve as Deputy Editor for Web and Multimedia for the journal CHEST®, where I lead a talented group of volunteers who produce the incredible multimedia content (podcasts, webinars, journal clubs, animations) for the journal. I also serve on the CHEST Board of Regents. 

What clinical research is most interesting to you right now?
The direct and indirect lessons of the pandemic are fascinating to me right now. We’ve learned so much about critical care and how to conduct research in the last 2 years, and we can learn even more if we keep paying attention!

What are your hobbies?
Spending time on the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, FL, and spending time with my family!

What is something you cannot live without (after family and friends)?
After my family and friends? My pets and Diet Coke.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with your Network peers?
I can’t wait to go to Hawaiʻi for CHEST 2023! If you see me, please stop and say hello! I love to connect with people at CHEST!



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