Trainee Hub
As a chest medicine trainee, or a specialist transitioning out of training, we strive to provide you with access to personal and professional resources tailored to your career level.
Our goals are to provide each member with the opportunities and resources necessary to become excellent teachers, clinicians, and scholars; to foster active participation and progress in our organization; and to develop exemplary ambassadors of CHEST at local, regional, and national levels.
With this in mind, the Trainee Hub features highlighted resources for each stage of your training.
Click an image below to view resources available.

Life as a Fellow Blog
Get "fellow life lessons" in the latest blog posts from members of the Trainee Work Group (current and previous trainees who are part of the CHEST leadership).
Featured Post
By: Chetana Pendkar, MBBS | February 14, 2023
Get Social
Connect with CHEST and your colleagues on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Snapchat! Search #CHESTTrainees on X for content related to you as a trainee.
Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement Resources
Billing and Coding for Young Professionals
— Joint Clinical Practice Committee Workshop (CHEST 2018 Annual Meeting)
Coding and Reimbursement Webinar — Solitary Lung Nodule Fellows Program (In Partnership with Medtronic, CHEST developed an educational curriculum for pulmonary fellows so they could increase their knowledge and understanding of risk factors and treatment options for solitary lung nodules.)
Google Hangouts On Air
The Training and Transitions Committee held Hangouts On Air, live presentations covering relevant topics to trainees throughout their career.
The following presentations are available to view at your convenience from your computer, tablet, or phone.
Early Career Development: Tips for Academic and Community Practice
Length: 1 Hour
Speakers: Mauricio Danckers, MD, FCCP, May Lee, MD, FCCP, Joshua Smith, MD, and John Studdard, MD, FCCP
Work-Life Balance
Length: 30 minutes
Speakers: Gabriel Bosslet, MD, FCCP, Subani Chandra, MD, FCCP, David Schulman, MD, MPH, FCCP, and Sarah Tapyrik, MD, FCCP