Fellow-in-Training Resources

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Trainee Resources - Fellows-in-TrainingGet Involved

Trainee Work Group
The Trainee Work Group is a work group that falls under the Training and Transitions Committee (T&T). CHEST fellow-in-training members work together to develop content for the Trainee Hub, sessions for the Annual Meeting, submit Life as a Fellow blogs, and works with T&T to enhance and engage all fellows throughout the year.

Network Steering Committees
CHEST Networks are special interest groups that focus on specific areas of chest medicine. Each Network is divided into a number of Sections. Each Network and Section Steering Committee includes fellows-in-training that serve in leadership positions. These fellows are mentored by Network/Section leaders and participate in additional activities.

Visit the CHEST Leadership page to learn about the nominations process for these groups.




Medical Knowledge Resources

Blogs, Podcasts, and Videos

Mentoring Advice

Annual Meeting Preparation
