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This Network serves as the main resource and forum for issues related to pulmonary infections as well as disaster response and global health.
CHEST members can join this Network for leadership and networking opportunities, plus the chance to hear the latest news first.
Focusing on advancing the clinical practice, knowledge, promotion and advancement related to pulmonary infections
Focusing on advancing the clinical practice, promotion, and timely disaster medicine education and response
Do you have questions about this Network? Contact
By John Agapian, MD, FCCP; Jamie Felzer, MD, MPH; B. Corbett Walsh, MD, MBE
By Reid Eggleston, MD; Nirmala Manjappachar, MBBS
By O’Neil Green, MBBS, FCCP
Get the latest science from the journal CHEST® with curated collections focusing on the topics that matter to you.
Read the journal: Chest Infections
Panel Discussion: Post COVID Lung Health
The Growing Threat of Cyber-Attacks in Health Care: Time to be Proactive Rather than Reactive
Explore focused collections of educational resources on specific disease states, including asthma and lung cancer.
CHEST is offering several research and community impact grants, including a new one for $150,000.
Gather samples, uncover transmission modes, and identify vulnerable parties to ensure a viral event doesn't occur.
Salim Surani, MD, FCCP, FCCM
Network Chair
Get to know Dr. Surani »
Ryan Maves, MD, FCCP
Network Vice-Chair
Get to know Dr. Maves »
Amee Patrawalla, MD, FCCP Chair, Chest Infections Section
Sebastian Kurz, MD, FCCP Vice-Chair, Chest Infections Section
Michael Tripp, MD, FCCP Chair, Disaster Response and Global Health Section
John Agapian, MD, FCCP Vice-Chair, Disaster Response and Global Health Section
Vikramjit Mukherjee, MD, MBBS Network Member-at-Large
Charles Volk, MD Network Member-at-Large
Marcos I Restrepo, MD, PhD, FCCP Ex-Officio
Chest Infections Section
Amee Patrawalla, MD, FCCP
Get to know Dr. Patrawalla »
Sebastian Kurz, MD, FCCP
Members Yuqing Gao, MD O’Neil Green, MBBS, FCCP Lara Jones, DO Shahram Maroof, MD Richa Nahar, MD Kelly Pennington, MD Christina Thornton, MD, PhD Charles Van Hook, MD, FCCP
Fellows-in-Training Reid Eggleston, MD Nirmala Manjappachar, MD
Ex-Officio Holly Keyt, MD, FCCP
Disaster Response and Global Health Section
Michael Tripp, MD, FCCP
Get to know Dr. Tripp »
John Agapian, MD, FCCP
Get to know Dr. Agapian »
Members Jeffrey Biberston, DO, FCCP Aloke Chakravarti, MD, FCCP Jamie Felzer, MD, MPH Anneka Hutton, MD Jesse Sherratt, DO, FCCP Brandon Walsh, MD Andrew Weber, MD, FCCP
Fellows-in-Training Christian Almanzar Zorrilla, MD Zein Kattih, MD
Ex-Officio Ryan Maves, MD, FCCP