CHESTCHEST NewsProtecting Grant Programs and Tax Credits That Benefit Public Health

Protecting Grant Programs and Tax Credits That Benefit Public Health

The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) joined the American Lung Association and other associations in asking Congress to oppose rollbacks or weakening of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) or Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provisions through budget reconciliation.

In particular, the fact sheet sent to Congress highlights the following programs and credits that improve health:

  • Reduced air pollution in schools: IRA-funded indoor air improvements reduce sources of indoor pollution and prevent childhood asthma attacks.
  • Healthier school transportation: IIJA and IRA include funding for access to cleaner school buses, limiting the cancer-causing diesel exhaust that kids breathe.
  • Expanding energy options: Tax credits, including those from the IRA, are spurring investments in new clean energy projects.

The health community calls on Congress to ensure these investments remain funded.

Read the fact sheet.

