CHESTBlogMeet the Faculty: Critical Care Medicine Board Review 2023

Meet the Faculty: Critical Care Medicine Board Review 2023


Meet the Faculty: Critical Care Board Review 2023

By: Katlyn Campbell
April 6, 2023

CHEST Board Review will bring top-tier faculty and learners together in Miami, Florida, for an intensive exam prep highlighting case-based questions and content matching the ABIM exam blueprint.

CHEST Critical Care Board Review 2023 faculty member, Amy E. Morris, MD, FCCP, shared her thoughts with CHEST ahead of the in-person review, August 12 to 14. Get to know Dr. Morris, learn about her teaching philosophy, and read why she’s excited for this year’s CHEST Board Review.

Amy E. Morris, MD, FCCP

Amy E. Morris, MD, FCCP

Amy E. Morris, MD, FCCP

Amy E. Morris, MD, FCCP

Amy E. Morris, MD, FCCP

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am an Associate Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at University of Washington in Seattle. I attend in the general medical ICU, the oncology bone marrow transplant ICU, a general pulmonary consults clinic, and an inpatient clinic. My area of clinical focus is actually being a medical educator, and I'm in the clinician educator track at our institution. My academic area of focus is point-of-care ultrasound education training.

I joined CHEST not long after fellowship. I was brought in to work on developing case-based approaches to content for the annual meetings with the Education Committee. And, I have been involved with the annual meeting and the Education Committee in one way or another ever since. I also do some hands-on teaching with point-of-care ultrasound at CHEST simulation courses. And, I’ve been involved with CHEST Board Review for several years.


What is your teaching philosophy for Board Review courses?

I tailor my approach to the subject matter. For point-of-care ultrasound, it's been interesting over the years to see how many people come in with increasing degrees of ultrasound proficiency. But, there are still a lot of folks taking the boards who have not had formal ultrasound training. So, my goal is to get those folks up to speed with the essentials that they are likely going to be asked about on the boards.

For folks who are more advanced users of ultrasound, my goal is to deepen their understanding of the physics and the data behind the use and application of point-of-care ultrasound in the ICU. I like to introduce both groups to questions that I think are high targets for board questions in this area.

For the topic of liver disease, that’s more well-known to most of the board review attendees. So, my approach for reviewing liver disease is to highlight key testable board pearls and to review content learners haven’t thought about in a while. But, if the learner is in a place where they don’t take care of a lot of liver patients, I also want to make them comfortable with content related to liver disease that is likely to show up on the boards.

What are you most excited about for board review this year?

The in-person aspect of the board review course is unique. You can read journals to your heart’s content on your own, but being able to interact one-on-one with experts who really know the topic that they're teaching and having the ability to ask them questions is something that you can’t get with asynchronous learning. I think that’s what makes the course special and fun, frankly. It’s fun to get to meet both the faculty and the learners. It’s a very social event, and I enjoy that, and I think it’s something we’ve all missed.

Join Dr. Morris at the live Critical Care Board Review course in Miami, August 12 to 14.
