CHESTThought Leader BlogJanuary 2018 #pulmCC Twitter Chat – The Best of 2017: Highlights, Advancements, New Science

January 2018 #pulmCC Twitter Chat – The Best of 2017: Highlights, Advancements, New Science

Join us Thursday, January 25, at 7:00 pm Central/8:00 pm Eastern as we discuss another hot topic in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. The topic? The Best of 2017!

The New Year often comes with resolutions to improve ourselves and our lifestyles. We challenge you to start 2018 reflecting on how the previous year can help to positively impact your practice today. In this month’s Twitter chat, we’ll discuss the best of research, advancements, and new science in 2017. What were some of your favorites? How will they impact your practice in 2018? Share your thoughts with other clinicians. 


T1: What were some of your favorite studies in 2017?

T2: What advancements in research in 2017 will impact your practice in 2018?

T3: How do you plan to improve your practice and skills as a clinician in 2018?

T4: What’s next for 2018? What research do you hope to see more of this year?

Top journal CHEST® studies of 2017:

Don't forget! If you've joined in on a Twitter chat, let us know by filling out this form to earn 10 participation points! Points available for CHEST members only.
