CHESTThought Leader BlogRichard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP, Editor in Chief of the journal CHEST®, on the Search to Fill a New Position—Web and Multimedia Editor

Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP, Editor in Chief of the journal CHEST®, on the Search to Fill a New Position—Web and Multimedia Editor

By: Jean Rice

Dr. Irwin

CHEST®, the journal of the American College of Chest Physicians, is seeking applicants for a newly developed position, Web and Multimedia Editor. Dr. Irwin provides the following background on why this position is being offered.

“Because a journal is no longer confined to an “issue,” and our clinician readers find our content in numerous ways, we need someone who combines medical knowledge, multimedia expertise, and a passion for communication to assist our authors, editors, and staff in preparing well-reviewed capsules of articles we publish.”

Why is this role being developed?

Authors want to be sure that their important work reaches a large audience. On the other hand, our readers are inundated with information that comes to them out of the proverbial “fire hose.” Over the past several years, the journal CHEST® has developed many outlets to assist on both sides of this equation. We have a redesigned home page, content alerts, podcasts, videos, updates on many social media platforms, and summaries in electronic newsletters to connect with our readers. As our multimedia efforts continue to grow, we seek to advance our strategy for leveraging these resources to make CHEST® content available to a broader audience. 

A web and multimedia editor who can oversee these efforts is a vital element toward successfully achieving this goal. This new editor will promote and champion the journal and its contents, and as a clinician-scientist with multimedia expertise, will be best suited to identify the core message of an article, accurately summarize the content, and determine the most effective formats for dissemination. We remain committed to publishing the best in research, reviews, and guidelines but know that readers must first gain awareness of good work.

What will be expected of the Web and Multimedia Editor?

This editor will develop multimedia tactics to expand the reach of CHEST® content by working with the Editor in Chief, other editors, and authors in selecting high-impact research to be showcased for readers and in selecting the right mix of channels for delivery. The editor will select content to be highlighted on our home page, work with authors to develop video and audio summaries of their work, coordinate with our social media team to promote articles, and keep abreast of best practices in new content formats. We will ask this editor to help build and promote our topic collections for readers.

What qualities are being sought in potential candidates?

The right candidate will appreciate the current state of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. They will combine this with comprehensive and current communication and multimedia skills and an understanding of where our audiences, particularly those in their early career stages, prefer to get their information.

The CHEST organization is now accepting applications for the position of Web and Multimedia Editor. Applications are due by February 28, 2018Find out more and apply.
