CHEST issues call for Editors in Chief to lead two new journals
May 3, 2022
The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) is expanding its
journal portfolio and actively recruiting Editors in Chief to launch
and lead two new open access journals. Set to launch in early 2023, the
journals CHEST Pulmonary and CHEST Critical Care will contain
specialized research in pulmonary and critical care medicine.
Similar to the flagship journal, the journal CHEST®, CHEST Pulmonary
and CHEST Critical Care will accept submissions of original research,
reviews, case reports and commentaries, with enhanced emphasis on
medical decision-making, implementation science, health services
delivery, quality improvement, cost-effectiveness analysis, policy
reports, study design and more.
“These new journals will allow us to publish more unique clinical
content of importance to readers and provide more avenues for authors
to publish their work, leading to more diverse content and faster
publication times,” says Peter Mazzone, MD, MPH, FCCP, Editor in Chief
of the journal CHEST. “As we grow the portfolio, we will remain
committed to publishing high-quality, timely and clinically impactful
content that has made [the journal] CHEST the premier journal for
clinicians in chest medicine."
CHEST Pulmonary will be a source of clinically relevant research
and patient management guidance for pulmonary and sleep medicine
clinicians, focusing on topic areas including:
Chest Infections
CHEST Critical Care will be a source of clinically relevant
research and patient management guidance for critical care medicine
clinicians, focusing on topic areas including:
ICU Infections
Mechanical Ventilation
Nonpulmonary ICU Care
Post-ICU Care
“We are thrilled that the new, dedicated journals will be launched as
open access,” says Nicki Augustyn, Publisher and Senior Vice President
of Communications for the American College of Chest Physicians. “Open
access provides greater accessibility for students, educators,
researchers and clinicians around the world to consume the latest
research, fostering scientific debate, discussion and advancement among
the chest medicine community.”
Interested applicants should be recognized experts in pulmonary,
critical care or sleep medicine and have a background in the
development of impactful clinical research, systematic reviews or
In addition, the ideal candidate would have prior experience on an
editorial board or as a peer reviewer for a journal and would be a
practicing physician (MD or DO) to ensure all content in CHEST Critical
Care and CHEST Pulmonary is clinically relevant and impactful.
First launched as Diseases of the Chest in 1935, the journal CHEST
distributes the latest original research, practice management guidance,
editorials, reviews and letters. Originally focused on tuberculosis,
the journal CHEST has continually evolved to serve clinicians and their
patients as the fields of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine
grow and change over time.
About the American College of Chest Physicians
The American College of Chest Physicians® (CHEST) is the global leader
in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chest diseases. Its
mission is to champion advanced clinical practice, education,
communication and research in chest medicine. It serves as an essential
connection to clinical knowledge and resources for its 19,000+ members
from around the world who provide patient care in pulmonary, critical
care and sleep medicine. For information about the American College of
Chest Physicians, and its flagship journal CHEST®, visit