Parents Fight Back

PAVe co-founder, Meredith Berkman, on the predatory behavior of tobacco companies


August 25, 2023 | VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2

Parents Against Vaping e-cigarettes (PAVe) has become an influential advocacy and education nonprofit run and powered by passionate volunteers across the country. The organization serves as the national parent voice fighting the predatory behavior of Big Tobacco as it relates to vaping and targeting youth.

PAVe parents advocate at the local, state, and national levels for ending the sale of all flavored e-cigarettes and all menthol and other flavored tobacco products. They also provide resources, training, and materials that empower parents to educate others in their own communities about the dangers of youth tobacco use.

Together with Dina Alessi and Dorian Fuhrman, Meredith Berkman is one of the founding partners of PAVe.

PAVe was co-founded by three New York City moms, Meredith Berkman (left), Dorian Fuhrman (middle), and Dina Alessi (right).

Together with Dina Alessi and Dorian Fuhrman, Meredith Berkman is one of the founding partners of PAVe. This podcast, part of the summer 2023 issue of CHEST Advocates, shares her story.